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Assay Kits

The assay kits that underpin our picodroplet-based microfluidics platforms are carefully crafted by our expert development and manufacturing teams. We take pride in knowing that you can rely on us with our sensitive and robust assay kits.
Assay Kits to accompany your Cyto-Mine platform

Cyto-Cellect® Fc Fusion Assay Kit

Novel assay offers a highly sensitive and specific method to detect recombinant proteins containing the human IgG Fc domain.

Fc Fusion Assay Kit from Sphere Bio

Cyto-Cellect® PLUS (Human IgG κ and λ Detection (AOF) Range)

The Cyto-CellectPLUS® human IgG κ and λ detection kit offers a sensitive, easy-to-use, animal-origin free assay to detect cell clone productivity.

Cyto-Cellect PLUS Assay Kit from Sphere Bio

New: Cyto-Cellect® Mouse (Mouse IgG Detection Kit)

A sensitive and robust assay to easily detect mouse IgG antibodies in picodroplets.

Cyto-Cellect Mouse Assay Kit from Sphere Bio

Cyto-Cellect® Probes (Cyto-Cellect® Human IgGκ Detection Kit)

The Cyto-Cellect® Human IgGκ Detection Kit offers a sensitive, easy-to-use, animal-origin free assay to detect cell clone productivity.

Cyto-Cellect Probes Assay Kit from Sphere Bio

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